#02 Singapore’s sustainability plans


Jolina Hsueh
1 min readApr 20, 2021

Singapore announced their < Singapore Green plan 2030 > , which is a long-term plan that they estimated the maximum amount of MtCO2e will reach its peak at 65M tons and will drop to 33 MtCO2e by 2050. This comprehensive plan is looking forward to improve every aspect of society, from city development, economy, energy to education, in order to create a more sustainable country.

I’m impressed by their plan, due to their completeness and farsightedness. In Taiwan, though there are increasing number of people invest in renewable energy, sustainability, and innovation technology, our plans and regulations are still on the process.

What everyone can do is to implement our net-zero goals and put it into practices, such as reducing use of one-cycled containers, walk more and take public transportation, consume less energy, etc.

From my point of view, the most significant issue for government to tackle is to upgrade the infrastructure, and formulate relative regulations. In Bill Gates’ new book, he mentioned that it requires every field of society to commit this Earth-saving mission, and policies play a pivotal role on this part.

